Diversity and Equity
The City of Roseville has taken great strides to incorporate consideration of equity into all aspects of operations and decision-making, and Dan has supported all of these efforts from the beginning.
Roseville’s location presents transportation challenges as well as opportunities. Dan believes the City must be a proactive partner with Ramsey County, MnDOT, Metro Transit, and private entities to advocate for and achieve improvements to the roads, transit, and pathway systems that serve our community.
Parks and Recreation
Dan has long advocated for a well-maintained and user-oriented parks & recreation system in Roseville. He knows that appealing parks and relevant recreation programs enhance the community quality of life, benefit property values, and improve the health and well-being of our residents – not to mention that they provide a benefit to our environment. He continues to prioritize making park infrastructure funding sustainable, and seeks outreach to make sure parks and recreation programs and facilities meet the needs of the next generations of users.
Police and Public Safety
Dan has championed proactive change in policing and fire/EMS services in Roseville, to more effectively and transparently serve the community at the highest levels of service.
Infrastructure Sustainability
Dan has led efforts by the City to have a long-range view of infrastructure funding needs, and to put into place plans that achieve long-term funding sustainability. He supports all users paying their fair share, and opposes excessive borrowing for rehab of existing infrastructure rather than setting aside cash over time for major expenditures.
Housing & Neighborhoods
Dan believes that it is essential to our strength of our community to maintain a balance of housing types and affordability in Roseville. He supports City efforts to understand our local housing market, and to target areas that are under-represented in our current market, with appropriate City assistance. He has worked to make the City’s code enforcement system both fairer and more effective in keeping up Roseville property values for both residents and businesses. He believes the Multi-Family Residential inspection and licensing program ensures safe housing and healthy neighborhoods by addressing code violations and tenant and landlord responsibilities.
Environmental Stewardship
Climate change is a serious threat to everyone’s future. Dan has been an early and consistent supporter of City efforts to reduce our impact on the environment.
Community Engagement
Dan knows that improved engagement of Roseville residents and businesses in local decision-making is key to our success as a community. He has a record of accomplishment in expanding engagement, and is committed to continue that work.
Budget and Taxes
Dan always keeps in mind that City budget and tax decisions have real impacts on individuals and businesses in our community. He believes it is important to keep spending in line by carefully considering new programs and their full impacts, as well as by seeking efficiency and shared services with other cities or entities. He also understands the importance of balanced growth in both the commercial and residential tax bases to keep taxes under control.